Finally a smart cosmetic procedure – Introducing Smartlipo Triplex!
Do you have love handles, bat wings, muffin tops, saddlebags or jowls that don’t respond to exercise and diet? They all improve dramatically using Smartlipo TriPlex, with minimal downtime and less pain than traditional liposuction alone. Because Smartlipo actually tightens tissue, you don’t have to worry about dimpling and sagging afterward.
Smartlipo Triplex is the next level of liposuction treatment. Coupled with liposuction it treats localized fat deposits on the face and body. Liposuction needs smartlipo because it is a minimally invasive technique that safely coagulates blood vessels which result in less bleeding and bruising. Smartlipo Triplex is the #1 requested cosmetic procedure in American health and beauty, making it the undisputed leader in laser-assisted lipolysis.
Smartlipo TriPlex Advantages
Smartlipo Triplex is a safe and minimally-invasive procedure which treats areas of undesired fat with less bleeding compared to liposuction alone. It treats high fibrotic areas easily with faster healing time and less trauma. It has consistent reproducible results that:
- Tighten tissue
- Permanently destroy fat cells
- Improve your overall body shape
- Are backed by 9 years of clinical studies supporting the most ideal results
Smartlipo Triplex is simple and easy, requiring just one treatment and minimal downtime so you can return to work in a couple of days and within a few weeks find out your skinny jeans are too big! Smartlipo Triplex will help you love how you look as these before and after photos show:
How Does Smartlipo TriPlex Work?
This laser-assisted lipolysis procedure is performed using a small cannula (or tube) about the size of the tip of a pen, which is inserted under the skin. The laser delivers energy directly to the fat cells through the cannula, causing them to rupture. The liquefied fat is then gently suctioned out. New collagen is produced, resulting in tissue tightening. The three laser wavelengths contained in Smartlipo TriPlex allow your physician to customize treatments based on the nature of your concerns.
What are the advantages of Smartlipo TriPlex over conventional liposuction procedures?
First, both treatments remove fat, but unlike Smartlipo TriPlex, conventional liposuction can leave behind loose skin. Second, because local anesthetic is typically used with Smartlipo treatments (instead of general anesthesia), you’re awake during the procedure—that’s a real plus, leading to a faster, easier recovery.
Is there a recovery period?
Smartlipo TriPlex is a minimally invasive procedure which usually requires only local anesthesia. Some light bruising can occur, but you’ll be able to return to normal activities within a day or two.
How do I know if Smartlipo Triplex is right for me?
The best candidates for Smartlipo are women and men who are not significantly overweight, but have accumulated fat deposits—such as love handles, flabby upper arms, excess neck or facial fat or fat on the lower torso. A consultation with Dr. Goldman can provide you with the best information.