Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most prevalent of all types of cancers. It is estimated that more than one million Americans develop skin cancer every year. Skin cancer is a malignant condition that begins with the growth of abnormal cells typically in the top layer of the skin. There are two broad categories of skin cancers: melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Melanoma can start when the protective pigment cells that give skin its natural color become malignant. This can be due to sun exposure or other damage. Other non-melanoma skin cancers, such as Basal Cell and Squamaus Cell,  can occur when the main cell type in the skin’s top layer is damaged by ultra violet rays.

Modern treatment options mean most all skin cancers can be treated and/or eradicated completely, but they must be treated early, so they do not progress to a critical or life threatening stage. Regular skin screenings and body scans can detect skin cancer early and we can customize treatment options for your type of skin cancer.

To learn more about skin cancer and treatments for it, contact us today!